Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Live Messenger Error Code 8007007f How Do I Fix This Error In Windows Live Messenger: Error Code 81000314?

How do I fix this error in Windows Live Messenger: Error code 81000314? - live messenger error code 8007007f

She said that the service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later. How do I solve this problem?


Asking-G... said...

Meh ... MSN blocks from time to time ... like best.

You can not repair ... You should try again every 10 minutes.

Man of Mystery said...

WLM servers are probably screwed again. Even if one of my accounts can not get in touch, we can not get in touch.

Brain Superfantabulous

fungml90 said...

Mines has also declined, but another account can be accessed at

Wait a minute, the server should be coming soon

clasical music... said...

mine too ... three hours .... But it remains the same!

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